

'Signs and Scenes' published in Riffs Vol. 4 Issue 2

The latest issue of Birmingham City University’s Riffs: Experimental writing on popular music includes ‘Signs and Scenes’, an article about my recent work about language and Noh theatre. Through examples from 14th-century ‘eye music’ and my own work, the article explores ideas of communicating meaning in music, and how technology plays a central role in its facilitation.

The issue considers the relationship between music and technology, and features articles from Christina Kubisch, Sylvia Hinz, Silvia Rosani and more, and was edited by Edmund Hunt.

From Hunt’s editorial:

’Technology is something I love and hate at the same time. One one hand the absence of any kind of technology means silence (or an environment of natural sounds which we hear much clearer because of the general silence); on the other hand, you need technology to make art’.